Tag Archives: quantum mechanics

Quantum Mechanics and Astrology

I read science books from time to time, astronomy, physics, history and research topics that may relate to astrology and provide another point of view.  The Cosmic Code (1982) by Dr. Heinz Pagels was one of these.  Physicist Pagels wrote an accessible book about quantum mechanics, which could help explain astrology.

Einstein and others had identified a paradox called “spooky action at a distance” involving entangled atomic particles.  This action is impossible according to relativity theory, but is a logical part of quantum mechanics.  TechnologyReview.com describes it nicely:  “Entanglement arises naturally when two particles are created at the same point and instant in space… Entangled particles can become widely separated in space. But even so, the mathematics implies that a measurement on one immediately influences the other, regardless of the distance between them.”

They are talking about particles, but the idea of being linked at the time of creation, despite distance between particles, is very resonant of distant planets continuing to have an influence on us after birth.Mtn Unsplash nicolas-cool-113895

What was most vivid to me in Heinz Pagels book was his strong argument against action at a distance.  It seemed to me that he was speaking from a bias.  Much of what he’d explained about quantum mechanics made action at a distance seem logically possible.  Either he couldn’t reconcile it with relativity theory or action at a distance smacked too much of metaphysics to make sense to him.  But physicists have, in fact, since proven that action at a distance is real.

The most ironic thing about The Cosmic Code, though, was the ending.  In it, Dr. Pagels, a mountain climber, shared a recurring dream he had about falling while climbing.  He did not become upset, but poetically concluded that, “I realized that what I embody, the principle of life, cannot be destroyed… It is written into the cosmic code, the order of the universe.  As I continued to fall in the dark void, embraced by the vault of the heavens, I sang to the beauty of the stars and made my peace with the darkness.”

Dr. Heinz Pagels fell to his death while mountain climbing in Aspen on July 24, 1988.  Though he probably wouldn’t have accepted it, I believe he foresaw his own demise.  No surprise, as he had a stellium of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter all in the often psychic, transcendental water sign of Pisces.  This also explains his emotional bias in his thoughts in the action at a distance paradox.

Heinz Pagels was born on February 19, 1939 in New York City.

The Cosmic Code at Amazon.com:  The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature (Dover Books on Physics)