Tag Archives: New York City


My great-grandmother died in the 1918 pandemic, well before my father was even born.  We only have a few records of her life, though her original birth certificate actually has a time, so astrology can tell us more.

Mariantonia de Stasio was born in Montecalvo Irpino in Avellino, Italy in 1870.  The country was unified in 1861, but the south had a high tax burden, limited medical care, transportation problems and land shortages.  About a third of the town’s residents left for the U.S. between 1892 and 1924.

I’m not sure of the accuracy of the 11:00 a.m. birth time on Maria’s birth record.  But it gives her Leo rising, which seems appropriate, as her photo shows that she had good taste and presented a polished appearance.  She wore a beautiful lace collar and earrings, and her hair is perfectly swept up.

Maria’s Sun in Taurus conjunct Pluto, as well as her Moon-Venus-Saturn T-square, suggest some trauma and limitations in her life.  Her father died before she married at the age of 20.  Her husband, my great-grandfather Donato, travelled to New York City in 1895, and their second daughter died in Italy only a few months after he left.  But with Jupiter trine her Moon and conjunct her Sun, emigrating to the U.S. was probably a good choice for Maria.

Maria and Donato had six more children in New York, one of whom died in infancy.  Census records show that they lived in tenement apartments in Manhattan’s Little Italy on Mott Street and Hester Street.  By 1915 they had moved to Bridge Street in Brooklyn’s Vinegar Hill, on the other side of the Manhattan Bridge. 

Maria’s mutable Moon in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius could also indicate their less than ideal housing situations.  She had been trained as a tailor and must have been skilled, with a strong work ethic.  Her oldest daughter Rose was working as a coat finisher when she was only 13.  Like many women of the time, they probably sewed piecework in their home. 

The Moon rules Maria’s 12th house relating to the immune system, and Saturn rules her 6th of illness.  Saturn is then placed in her 5th of children.  It seems like her many responsibilities may have weakened her health.  She might have also suffered from anxiety or even depression. 

The flu pandemic hit NY in the spring of 1918, and became much worse that fall.  With transiting Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer and Saturn in Leo, both youthful signs, it was more dangerous to children (as opposed to the 2020 pandemic with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn affecting seniors more strongly). 

Maria’s Sun helpfully conjoins Jupiter, but Jupiter in its detriment in Gemini makes it less benefic.  Mercury is dignified in Gemini and disposes the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, so she probably overcome her limitations with common sense and the help of friends (since Mercury conjoins the 11th house).  But mutable signs can affect the lungs:  Saturn in Sagittarius might constrict her breathing, while Jupiter in Gemini presents potential lung congestion.  She contracted the flu and died of pneumonia less than two weeks later, on October 24, 1918.  Transiting Saturn conjoined her Ascendant, lowering her vitality, while transiting Uranus in the 7th opposed it.  The doctor visited but was unable to help her; she was only 48 years old.

At the same time, Maria’s progressed Midheaven at 25+ Gemini opposed natal Saturn, and her progressed Ascendant at 26 Virgo conjoined her Moon, both activating the natal Moon-Saturn square.  (It seems that her 11:00 birth time may not be that far off.)   

We often find close connections with the horoscopes of family members.  I never met my great-grandmother and we have only one photo to tell us what she looked like.  But her Pluto is only a few minutes from my Moon and the connection is both genetic and after her death!  


I wrote more about the 1918 pandemic in New York City here.

Medical astrology information in this post is from Diane Cramer’s book, Managing Your Health and Wellness

Read about my Amazon links here

Foreseeing the Future Update

I’ve just finished the update of my biography of the famous American astrologer Evangeline Adams, Foreseeing the Future. The original was published in 2002, and with more information from newspaper databases and genealogy websites online, I’ve now filled in details on the people in Adams’ life and included more historical context.

I’ve found additional information confirming Evangeline’s forecasts and I also take a look at her sexuality, but basically it’s the same story. There are so many public domain photos now available online so I included a lot more pictures, too.

My main focus in this book has always been to document Adams’ forecasts and provide an objective look at what astrology can do, while also telling her life story. I leave it to readers to make up their own minds. I’m dismayed to see that Wikipedia’s entry on Adams has been edited in recent years. References to any of Evangeline’s substantiated forecasts have been removed. Any mention of my book has been deleted, replaced by skeptics’ opinions, tertiary and inaccurate sources, with no documentary evidence to support any statements made, despite supposed notes and references. I have no appetite to fight them, and hope the book continues to help people better understand how astrology and astrological forecasting work.

Updated print and digital versions are now available. Many thanks, as always, to Bruce Scofield and One Reed Publications for publishing the original.

For more on the book see my webpage.

To order the updated Foreseeing the Future for Kindle, click here. Or order the updated print version on Amazon.com.

New York City: Mars Out of Bounds

New York City commemorated the 25th anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings on February 26. Mars, the planet we most associate with weapons and violent crime, was accentuated: it was both rising and Out of Bounds in declination at that time. Six people were killed and over 1,000 injured as a rental van exploded in an underground parking garage.

When planets are Out of Bounds, they fall outside the Sun’s path and may present situations above and beyond the norm. Mars goes Out of Bounds in declination about once a year, often for a month or more at a time. This usually happens when it’s in the equinoctial signs of Cancer and Capricorn or their adjoining signs of Gemini and Sagittarius.

Mars was in Cancer and OOB (26 N 26 in declination) for the 1993 bombing. The 9/11/2001 airplane attacks also had Mars OOB (26 S 47), this time placed in the sign of Capricorn. New York City has its natal Mars in late Sagittarius, also OOB at 24 S 03, though not as far from the ecliptic edge of 23 N/S 26.

Another downtown Manhattan terrorist attack, the Wall Street bomb of 9/16/1920 (12:01 PM) also had Mars rising (in Sagittarius this time) but just a day shy of being OOB in declination (about to step outside the ecliptic).

Evangeline Adams talked about late degrees of Cancer being common to fires in New York City in the late 19th century. She noted that the great Windsor Hotel fire of 1899, which killed over 60 people, had Mars at 21 Cancer 22. At the time of the fire, the Moon and Mars were both OOB (at 24 N 11 and 24 N 49 respectively).

These are unusual coincidences, but many things are ruled by an OOB Mars. In the horoscope of New York City, Mars OOB in Sagittarius in the 3rd house may also represent transit, traffic, pedestrians, accidents, languages, education, trade and candid speech. Much more research is needed to establish how often Mars coincides with notable violence and destruction in New York.

The terrorist attack on February 26, 1993 occurred at 12:18 PM according to numerous news stories.

For more on the 1993 and 2001 charts, see Michelle Young’s analysis.

The Twin Towers attacks chart is here.

I also looked at the New York City chart in an earlier post.

NYC’s Bike Path Attack

Inspired by ISIS, on October 31, 2017, Sayfullo Saipov drove a rented truck into a bike path in lower Manhattan, killing eight. Transiting Uranus conjoining the New York City’s Moon in Aries speaks of unpredictability and potential violence. But Uranus already conjoined the City’s Moon in Aries in May. Why were there no attacks then?

In February, I reviewed the previous Uranus cycle in 1933 and 1934, which reflected political reforms and innovations in housing and transportation. While I searched for any notable violent events, I found none. Earlier this year, NYC did have Uranian developments in technology, transportation and housing.

Setting the stage for the tragic Halloween attack was the Solar Eclipse at 29 Leo, which fell in NY’s 11th house, creating a grand trine with natal Moon, Venus and Mars while also squaring Uranus. And the progressed Moon in Virgo conjoined the eclipse point, then also squared NYC Uranus, exact on October 14. Progressed Mars in Aries would trine the City’s Uranus exactly on November 4, and is an obvious indicator for the possibility of violence. 

Transiting Uranus exactly conjoined the City’s Moon on October 15 and Jupiter sextiled NY’s Venus and Mars in Sagittarius in early October, more of a protective influence than anything else, but perhaps also allowing a foreign-born person (Jupiter) to plan a street attack (3rd house Venus and Mars). Saturn in Sagittarius was near the midpoint of the City’s Venus-Mars-Neptune opposition.

We are looking for a trigger that sets off the heavier influences. Transiting Mars is our usual suspect, and Mars also rules the 7th house of “open enemies” traditionally (and we already have progressed Mars exact to natal Uranus). Transiting Mars had begun to conjoin 1st house Jupiter in Libra, while approaching a sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius in the NYC 3rd house of local transportation. A sextile is generally not as violent as a square, but Mars with Saturn nevertheless retains its potential for crushing when combined. And the violence could very easily have been a lot worse, as the terrorist crashed the car into a school bus, injuring two children.

New York City has helpful influences for the rest of the year and into January of 2018. In November, transiting Saturn trines the NY Moon while Jupiter sextiles its Sun and trines its Midheaven from the 2nd house. Transiting Saturn conjunct the NYC Venus and Mars in December could potentially be a destructive combination, but now that the City is on greater alert, hopefully it represents greater vigilance and an increased police presence (the City has already installed concrete barriers on the bike path). New York’s progressed Midheaven in Scorpio trining the natal Midheaven in December and progressed Sun in the 8th trining natal Sun in January have similar overtones.

Uranus will conjoin New York City’s Moon for the final time in March of 2018.

See Michelle Young’s website for her in-depth analysis of the chart of the attack, along with Sayfullo Saipov’s noon chart, which has several extraordinary conjunctions with the NYC horoscope.

New York City and Uranus

In January, New York City announced wireless access on all subway platforms, and the new Second Avenue subway line opened. These sound like Uranian innovations, and transiting Uranus is beginning to heat up the City’s Moon, closely conjoining it from April 2017 through early 2018. What can we expect? Let’s see what happened last time.NYC skyline 1931-33

Uranus previously conjoined the NYC Moon at 26 Aries 40 from mid-1933 to early 1934. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, a Republican supporter of FDR’s New Deal, was elected on a reform ticket as the City finally broke away from the Tammany Hall political machine. This seems appropriate since Uranus conjoining the Moon suggests a definitive turning point and new ways of doing things. Similarly, Federal Prohibition was repealed on 12/5/33 and the corruption that accompanied it also began to be driven out of the City.

The Moon also relates to the home and property, as well as larger-scale projects for entities like cities. There were important developments in housing and transportation in ’33-’34. Public works projects were begun, such as Knickerbocker Village, the first Federally funded apartment complex for low to middle income people. The Uranian principles of modernization, reorganization, circulation and electrification combined as NYC transit also expanded at that time; additional subway lines to Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens were opened. Greater New York

Looking ahead, it appears that developments in transportation will continue. There’s also been some progress made in affordable housing recently (see this New York Times article). Uranus’ influence suggests that innovative programs might continue to help. Mayor Bill deBlasio has made affordable housing a priority of his administration. He is up for re-election in November of 2017.

Uranus is often unpredictable. As we approach its exact conjunctions with the NYC Moon, other surprising innovations should develop.

Greater New York came into being on January 1, 1898 at 12:01 AM.

Pope Francis in New York

Pope Francis visits New York City on Thursday, September 24, 2015. Can we evaluate his connection to New York astrologically? Why here and why now? Both a compatibility analysis and the synastry of progressions tell the story.

Conjunctions are the most powerful connections between horoscopes and show shared experiences in life. The Pope’s stellium of the North Node, Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in late Sagittarius and early Capricorn falls right on New York’s Mars, Venus, Sun and IC. His Moon and Venus in Aquarius also closely trine NY’s Ascendant and Jupiter in Libra.

Notable connections exist and Pope Francis is important to many New Yorkers. But what brings him here in September? We can see this in aspects of the two progressed charts. The Pope’s progressed Moon will be at 1 Capricorn on 9/24, closely conjoining NYC’s Mars and Venus and of course his own natal Jupiter since it’s activating both natal stelliums.

New York City’s progressed Moon in Leo falls in the Pope’s 1st house and closely opposes his natal Venus at the time of the visit. We want to spoil and indulge him, flatter him and make a big Leonine fuss. He’ll accept the royal treatment, but since his Venus is in Aquarius, he prefers sharing his humanitarian mission and ideals.

New York City’s progressed Venus in Taurus falls in the Pope’s eleventh house of community interaction and goals. It’s exactly inconjunct his Sun and sextiles Pluto in his 1st house. The City wants to ply him with Taurean food, luxurious surroundings and creature comforts. But Pope Francis’ 6th house Sun in Sagittarius is all about spirituality and service. He may drink our wine, but he won’t be phased by all the pomp and circumstance.

Pope Francis I was born on December 17, 1936 at 9:00 pm in Buenos Aires, Argentina, rated AA on Astrodatabank.

Greater New York was created on January 1, 1898 at 12:01 AM according to news sources.

Evangeline Adams Podcast

I’m on Nick Dagan Best’s astrology podcast, I Love Astrology, talking about American astrologer Evangeline Adams and censorship, her problems with NYC’s fortune-telling law and the cancellation of her radio show in 1931. Nick has some intriguing discussions with co-host Leisa Schaim and also interviews Kim Farnell on Alan Leo and Gary Christen on Alfred Witte and Elsbeth Ebertin. I love the history, and some of these early 20th century events now go back over a hundred years.

Candidate Trump’s Horoscope

Donald Trump is at the top of polls among more than a dozen Republican presidential candidates for 2016, despite his divisive comments about illegal immigrants, Senator John McCain’s war record and other issues. With Mars rising in Leo in sextile to his Sun in the 10th house, his arrogance and aggressiveness have gotten him ahead; people also appear to be attracted to his candor.

Jupiter in Leo conjoins Trump’s Mars toward the end of July and conjoins his Ascendant in early August, keeping him center stage and giving him ample opportunity to create drama and attract attention.

Trump also has Mercury in Cancer in his horoscope, closely squaring his Neptune. This makes for someone who thinks emotionally and may misunderstand things. His rhetoric has made him popular on reality TV and his gut instincts have earns him billions. Yet as several of his sponsors have now agreed, his judgment is flawed. But Neptune is a transcendental planet, and its aspects can create a resonance with the mass mind. Transiting Neptune through Trump’s 7th house exactly trines his Mercury in August, so he should continue to be heard by a wide audience.

Donald Trump’s natal Jupiter conjoins his 3rd house cusp and trines his Sun and Uranus, giving him an ease of expression and easy success. But Saturn in his 11th house also squares his Jupiter, limiting the extent to which people will ultimately choose to listen. Saturn traditionally rules his Aquarius 7th house, and Jupiter is the co-ruler since the sign of Pisces makes up most of his 7th. So both 7th house rulers square one another. We have seen this dynamic play out in his personal relationships (he’s been married three times and divorced twice).

But the 7th house also rules public opinion. As transiting Saturn stations in square to Trump’s Ascendant from late July to early August, he will need to adjust his message to the realities of the situation. Saturn will exactly square his Ascendant and 7th house cusp in September, focusing his energies but also limiting his success with spontaneous one-liners. He will have to learn to temper his speech if he wants to stick to his presidential goals.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 AM in Jamaica, Queens, according to his Birth Certificate and rated AA Astrodatabank.

A Brooklyn Tragedy

On March 21, 2015, Gayle and Gabriel Sassoon’s home in Brooklyn was destroyed by fire, killing seven of their eight children. Can we anticipate such an extreme event astrologically? And how would it look? Heavy transiting planets often activate the natal chart at momentous times like these.

This was an electrical fire that changed the fate of a large family literally overnight. Must be Uranus, right? But the overwhelming extent of the devastation also suggests Pluto. Of course, the long-term transit of Uranus square Pluto was exact less than two weeks before the fire, strengthening these energies and creating a major upheaval. We are all affected by the Uranus square Pluto trend, but those whose birth charts they contact most closely will feel their effects more strongly. And of course, most of us will not experience such an unusual tragedy, which will be seen in birth chart patterns as well.

Gabriel Sassoon was born on April 28, 1972 according to public records. His full Moon chart with the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio suggests a life of drama, at least from time to time, as well as complex issues surrounding his home life. The Moon in Scorpio, while in its fall, is nevertheless fruitful when considering children astrologically. With Jupiter trining and sextiling his Sun-Moon opposition, he was also lucky. One certainly can’t consider him lucky in losing most of a large family, but he did survive, being away at a religious retreat at the time of the fire. This combination of luck and tragedy is indicated by his Jupiter in Capricorn, the sign of its fall. There is loss, but something remains. Transiting Neptune also sextiled the Sun trine Jupiter birth chart pattern, providing solace in religion.

Sassoon’s Saturn closely opposes Neptune, showing a need to balance practical reality and ideals. The Sassoons were orthodox Jews, and this resonates with Saturn’s focus on tradition and Neptune’s on ideology. Transiting Saturn at its stationary point strengthened its effects. It closely conjoined Gabriel’s Neptune and opposed his Saturn at the time of the accident, presenting a major change and removing his established security. He was pushed into a new phase as we so often are with Saturn.  Perhaps this combination also shows the negligence in not installing smoke alarms on the family’s main floors.

Gabriel Sassoon also has Uranus opposite Mercury in his birth chart. The transiting Uranus square Pluto pattern exactly squared Uranus. Here is the overwhelming sudden and unexpected event which changed everything forever.

We can see in this example how each of the heavier transiting planets added to the overall event. While no one but a psychic could have foreseen exactly how things would fall out, Uranus and Pluto did forecast a sudden, irrevocable change, and Saturn inevitably moved Sassoon into a new phase of his life. Neptune brought about a confusing event where he lacked the ability to rescue his family. Jupiter allowed him to survive. With a properly timed birth chart, we would know even more. And certainly looking at eclipses, declinations and other astrological tools would fill out this sad story and help us better understand how it happened.

Rudy Giuliani and Neptune

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has returned to the center of media attention for his controversial remarks about President Obama. At a 2/18/15 dinner for a potential Republican presidential candidate, he stated that Obama “doesn’t love America.” News outlets leapt to cover his remarks. Giuliani almost immediately reported receiving death threats. Some commentators suggested that the Mayor’s statements were racially motivated. And a You-Tube video from a black adolescent in Georgia, defending Giuliani, went viral. All of these effects are due to Neptune’s influence.

Barbara Watters describes one of Neptune’s actions as diffusion – spreading over a wide area. It relates to the loss of the individual ego as it merges with the collective. Giuliani’s thoughts are in keeping with partisan political rhetoric; there’s nothing new in Republicans calling Democrats un-American and linking them with Socialists and Communists. Yet partisan politics, at its worst, is blind allegiance, the opposite of thoughtful commentary. Neptune sets off emotional reactions – a story “going viral” implies infection or a malicious attack. We’re intuitively drawn to fight both, further spreading the story.

Rudy Giuliani was born on May 28, 1944 in Brooklyn, NY (rated “A” on Astrodatabank).  He has Neptune rising in trine to his Sun in the 9th house. He’s no stranger to controversy, but was also hailed as “America’s Mayor” for his leadership following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Transiting Neptune at that time was closely trining his Sun, a flowing aspect, and Giuliani was perfectly in tune with its trend. The collective needed assurance and Giuliani provided it. There were more flags displayed at that time than on the 4th of July as individuals merged into the collective of America.

Giuliani is still the same person, but his message isn’t playing out in the same way. Neptune is now exactly squaring his Sun – and a square doesn’t have the ease and acceptance of the trine aspect; he’s now at least somewhat at odds with prevailing trends. However it can still generate much attention. Neptune will square Giuliani’s Sun again from late 2015 to early 2016 – so we can expect some more news from him at that time.

Many politicians have significant Neptune placements in their birth charts. These may indicate idealism and faith or misconduct and corruption – and perhaps a little of both. We can also use Neptune as a forecasting tool, indicating whether collective trends will be in favor of a particular candidate. President Obama has the Sun square Neptune in his natal horoscope. For the 2012 presidential election, transiting Neptune was in his first house, trining his Venus. His opponents Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan both has transiting Neptune squaring their Ascendants. One aspect can never be dispositive, but this example highlights an obvious one.