Tag Archives: Alec Baldwin

Baldwin as Trump

Alec Baldwin is the new face of Donald Trump.  How do their horoscopes compare?Baldwin as Trump

Baldwin has a ring of sextiles in his chart – Pluto to Jupiter to Saturn to Venus to Mercury and back to Pluto with a trine, completing the circuit.  This near-Star of David pattern has given him success over the years, and Donald Trump’s Ascendant and rising Mars fall right on top of it.  Most significantly, Baldwin’s Saturn conjoins Trump’s Moon and trines his Ascendant and Mars.  These aspects from Saturn are classic connections that are often seen in Trump-Baldwinlong-term partnerships.

In addition, Baldwin’s Pluto conjoins Trump’s Ascendant and Mars, so he’s transforming him and manipulating his image (which makes Trump angry, of course!)  Another telling combination is Trump’s Neptune closely conjoining Baldwin’s Moon in his 3rd house.  Donald Trump inspires him and he eerily mimics his speech patterns in his uncanny imitation.

Alec Baldwin will experience his Saturn return this year, stabilizing his career and heightening his connections with Trump.  In addition, he’ll have his Jupiter return this fall, also activating his major sextile pattern and increasing his exposure.  It’s a good bet that he’ll keep appearing in the role of Donald Trump.

Alec Baldwin was born on April 4, 1958 in Amityville, New York, according to Wikipedia.