Category Archives: metaphysics-spirituality

Neptune with Leo

How do artists capture the soul or spirit of humanity? Somehow they are able to reflect the metaphysical, transcendent and numinous (spiritual or holy) in ordinary life. A poet sees beyond the mundane to the essence of life and immortalizes it for the rest of us.

I’ve always enjoyed reading biographies and memoirs to see how lives unfold and the twists and turns of circumstance. The best illuminate something about the human condition. And any biography will help us learn more about astrology.

Frank McCourt in Angela’s Ashes (1996) captured the town of Limerick, Ireland in the 1930s and ‘40s – it’s warmth and weaknesses, wealth and poverty, kindness and cruelty. Given McCourt’s character, talents and the unforeseen events of his life, we get a telescopic view of why he had to be who he was and how closed doors became open windows. McCourt’s interactions with others, for better or worse, provided key events in his life. And his own early experiences of poverty, loss and illness also included great understanding, love and compassion.

His horoscope includes Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Libra, both signs of their rulership, which accentuated his mind, sense of balance and relationships. We can easily see why he eventually became a writer with the ability to share his feelings with others. In his book, he presents his life with affection and humor.

McCourt’s Sun in Leo conjoins Neptune in Virgo. This combination gives him the ability to see the world with an artist’s eye. In a hospital with typhoid fever as a child, he was introduced to poetry and Shakespeare. His father was an alcoholic who loved his family but couldn’t cope with life.

Frank McCourt also had his Moon way Out of Bounds in Gemini. Kt Boehrer felt that this could indicate a “Cindarella” type who experiences hardship in life but succeeds later on.

But perhaps the most telling pattern in this horoscope is Saturn in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer. (Saturn has almost exactly returned to its natal place as I write this.) Saturn is in its own sign and Jupiter is exalted, showing his experience with those who were resilient, supportive and idealistic, as well as authorities and others who had become hardened or cautious.

McCourt worked his way out of the family’s straightened circumstances (Saturn), returned to the U.S. (where he’d been born) and expanded his circumstances through education (Jupiter). Leading a stable and secure life as a schoolteacher for many years, it was only after his retirement in 1988 (at age 58 and the start of his Saturn return) that he began writing the memoir that captured his early years in such vivid colors.

Frank McCourt was born on August 19, 1930 in Brooklyn, New York, no time is available.

Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir

When to Act? And How?

Astrologers are often called upon to advise on the coming planetary weather. When important life events are on the horizon, it’s helpful to know what to expect in the coming months and years. Clients will take our advice when they can. But we often see examples of people who, without the benefit of astrology, acted unwisely.

A neighbor had a dispute with his landlord. I happen to know his birthday. He has a lease, but rather stubbornly resisted any compromises offered. His progressed Sun was just past sextiling natal Uranus. In January, transiting Jupiter trined his Saturn. Then in March, Saturn sextiled his Uranus. These would’ve been good times to settle with the manager, as the Sun’s aspect might bring an innovative solution, Jupiter’s transit could stabilize legal issues, and Saturn’s bring about some change. We should always try to take advantage of helpful influences that the Universe provides for us!

In addition, though, the progressed Sun and Mercury will go on to approach a square to Neptune, creating a T-square with natal Venus opposite Neptune. And the neighbor also had Neptune squaring Neptune during this period, a long-term transit. He did seem to have illusions about the future of the relationship and what he could hope to achieve. An astrologer would advise clients not to hold out for something unrealistic. Though admittedly with Neptune, people find it hard to know what is unrealistic.

The months went on, with the landlord making concessions in hopes of avoiding a court case. The neighbor refused to budge. In April, Uranus squared his Sun and Jupiter squared both his Mercury, then Saturn. The Jupiter aspects might make one feel that they have “the law” on their side, but they add challenges to resolve any issues. And certainly with Uranus squaring the Sun, the situation might radically change. It did.

The landlord finally offered a deadline, which was missed. He then called a lawyer, and the neighbor will now have to take the time and trouble to go to court to resolve the matter. Neptune will exactly square the tenant’s Venus in July, and the hard transits from Jupiter repeat in September: things may not be resolved for some time. Jupiter will trine the neighbor’s Sun in November, when Saturn also sextiles his Uranus again. So things may ultimately be resolved to his satisfaction (five months away).

Evangeline Adams called working with the planets “intelligent non-resistance.” You can’t control everything. I’m a very Saturnine person who asks, why make things difficult? Life is hard enough. But without the help of astrology, many people can’t know when it’s best to be stubborn or when to take advantage of an offer or opportunity.

How to Handle Transits?

The transiting planets bring us situations that often seem to be coming from the outside world. With the heavier planets, we may feel pushed into situations where we must make important decisions – how do we respond?

A century ago, astrologer Evangeline Adams typically advised taking a back seat and waiting for difficult influences to pass. Under a Saturn transit, for example, she felt a person would not be as congenial or magnetic as she ordinarily might be. Things will not go her way. Adams told an anecdote of a husband under difficult influences, whose wife was becoming romantically interested in a young employee of his. She counseled him not to force the issue. The man invited the employee to his home, even leaving him alone with his wife. As she got to know the young man better, the woman realized she may have made a horrible mistake had her husband not been so patient and understanding.

So the advice is to wait things out. My mother, who studied and practiced in the 1970s, would have suggested the same thing. She was always cautious, advising that no one make any kind of important change during difficult planetary weather. When conditions clear up, you will see things more plainly.

Today, I think things have changed somewhat. Divorce is more common and people often admit the limitations of their relationships. And many also believe in limitless free will and the ability to personally change things.

With outer planet transits, though, sometimes we may have few choices about how to proceed. Heavy Uranus transits, for example, can bring sweeping changes that leave few options available. And it’s a regular occurrence to find career limitations on a transit of Saturn to your Sun.

We should do what we can to get through challenging periods. Astrology is not the best at forecasting outcomes, but is better able to describe the type of situation to expect and the timing and length of an influence. In addressing any transit, we also need to keep the birth chart in mind. For some, a transiting planet will bring great change; for another a passing development. These considerations will help put things in perspective.

Creative Use of Emotion

Creative Use of Emotion describes the philosophy of yoga as very different from western ideals. The two authors – one originally from India and the other from the U.S. – combine their expertise in yoga and psychology to advise on ways to consider and handle challenging emotions.

The west places a greater emphasis on external freedoms, while the east embraces inner freedom. In the west, we tend to identify with our thoughts, while the eastern perspective suggests that consciousness exists apart from our thoughts and external attachments. If we take the drama of life less seriously and disengage from our expectations, we will be less anxious and better able to fulfill our paths in life. Yoga also emphasizes living in harmony with the natural order, which leads to peace, happiness and comfort with our responsibilities in life.

This book was published by the Himalayan Institute, who brings us Yoga International magazine. It was written over forty years ago but its ideas are timeless. I’ve studied and practiced yoga for many years and found the concepts illuminating, clearly presented and uplifting. The mental discipline of yoga isn’t natural to western culture, and it would take years of dedicated practice to develop the mind as described. But I feel that beginning to try to do so would be helpful. Reading Creative Use of Emotion is a first step in the process. Priced at under $10 including shipping, it’s a great investment!

Buy at Creative Use of Emotion

The Waking Dream

Ray Grasse’s book, The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of our Lives, explains symbolist thinking:  holistic and right-brained correspondences, metaphor, analogy and qualitative views, rather than facts or figures.  The book is refreshing and wonderful on so many levels, simply because, as the author so eloquently explains, this worldview supports the spiritual rather the material – the opposite of today’s emphasis on science.  It is ancient and cross-cultural, though it unfortunately began to wane with 17th century rationalism. 

Grasse is an astrologer who is extremely well-versed in many other symbolist studies, and draws on a large array of books and esoteric subjects, sharing gems from prominent thinkers through the centuries and around the world, from the classics to popular culture.  His wide-ranging analysis looks at the meanings of external events, nature, dreams, ritual, astrology, psychology, cycles, fractal geometry and much more.  (No previous experience in any of these topics is needed.

This thoroughly researched work is deep, clear and uplifting, reminding us that, despite all of the linear, reductionist thinking in the contemporary world, there are no accidents, and that the Universe is still brimming with meaning.  And for the first time, I really understood how astrology works.  Well done!

Buy on The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives

Message from the Other Side

I’ve had only a handful of what we might call metaphysical experiences.  But I believe that my father has been in touch with us from the other side.

My dad had Gemini rising with Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Taurus in the 12th house.  He was warm, understanding and compassionate.  He also embraced nature, cultivating a backyard garden for most of his life.  He loved to sit in the yard and watch the birds and had ongoing battles with the local squirrels, who were amazingly adept at stealing bird seed from the feeder.

A day after my husband and I moved into our new apartment, my dad was in the hospital.  He was 87, had lived a very full life, and died a week later.  During this time, a dove began appearing on our windowsill regularly.  As my father was a bird-lover with such a peaceful center, I always associated the dove with him.

My mother survived my dad and within three years was declining.  But like many seniors, she stubbornly refused to leave her home on Long Island, despite the fact that she could no longer care for it, or even herself, very well.  When my sister and I became more assertive about helping her and keeping up the property, she responded with defiance and anger, as someone with the Sun conjunct Pluto and Jupiter in Leo can easily do.

My mom resisted seeing a new and better doctor, though she finally agreed.  But when I called her from the Long Island Railroad train on my way to take her to her appointment, she viciously screamed that she wouldn’t go and hung up on me.

I was very upset as I walked from the station to her house and spoke to my dad in my head.  “How did you tolerate her?  Please help me!  I don’t know what do to.”  My father was always able to make me feel better with just a hug, and I felt a little stronger connecting with him in this way.

As I approached the house, a funny thing happened.  A dove who’d been sitting on the stoop flapped up and down repeatedly and then landed on the roof, as if protecting its nest.  It didn’t fly away.  I always believed this was a sign from my dad, and it helped me get through a rough and challenging day with my mother.  After becoming disoriented on the road as well as hitting her neighbor’s car, she still refused to let me take over the driving.

We had many similar difficulties in the months that followed, and the dove appeared three more times.  Once, walking back to the train station, I turned a corner and found a whole flock of doves who all rose at once.  But my sister, who’d been closer to my father (both with Aries and Pisces and birthdays only four days apart), had never seen any doves.

Two years passed before we got my mother into assisted living and sold her house, and I hadn’t seen the dove in quite a while.  Before the closing, my sister went to check on the property and take a clipping from my father’s old holly tree in the front yard.  As she approached the house, a dove sitting on the stoop flew up and over to the tree!  She was suddenly hit with the finality of the sale and understood fact that we were all moving beyond it. 

The chart for the day and time (February 22, 2017 at 12:40 pm) has family-oriented Cancer rising, which is her Ascendant.  Both Aries and Pisces, the signs they shared, are emphasized, and the lights each conjoin other-worldly planets.  Neptune conjoins the Midheaven and the Sun in Pisces in the 9th house, suggesting both parental and transcendental connections.  And the Moon in Capricorn closely conjunct Pluto could symbolize addressing the past as well moving on. The major T-square in cardinal signs includes expansive Jupiter along with Uranus and Pluto, the two remaining outer planets.  And every sign represented in this chart is present in my father’s birth chart.

The Moon’s Nodes are often astrologically linked to reincarnation and the continuity of life.  Over five years after his death, the Nodes for the dove’s final appearance were in the 3rd and 9th houses, only a few degrees from an exact return to my dad’s birth Nodes.

I feel the event chart has many more synchronicities than coincidence would allow.  I’m not sure what the chart for a message from the other side looks like, but I suspect it’s something like the one we found.

My Most Important Birth Twin

One of the first guys I dated as a teen had the same birthday as my sister.  What are the odds?  Their personalities were similar but their lives couldn’t have been more different.  And he ended up, in an odd way, leading me to astrology. 

They both had the Sun in Aries square Jupiter, along with Mercury, Venus and the Moon in Pisces trine Neptune.  The guy seemed to be much more impulsive than my sister, who has an angular Saturn.  He had an untamed spirit, and despite coming from a nice family, he dropped out of school at 16.  My sister went on to finish college.

Years later, when the two were experiencing their Saturn returns, my sister was working full-time while completing a Master’s degree.  My former flame was married and his wife was eight months pregnant.  One night he sat in a bar with friends (remember all the Pisces and Neptune) and said, “I’m so depressed I feel like putting a bullet in my head.”  And he did.

The story is so disturbing and dramatic that it’s a shame I’ve never had his birth time.  I’ve wondered if he had Pluto rising, which would put his Aries Sun in the 8th house squaring Jupiter in the 5th.  The Sun’s ruler, Mars, would be widely opposite Uranus in his 12th house, relating to unconscious impulses.  (True to the Martian archetype, my sister went on to a career requiring a firearm, but she always used it with care. )

Though my sister has remained consistent in my life, at 15, my relationship, predictably, hadn’t lasted long.  I had transiting Uranus squaring my Sun, showing excitement and spontaneity, but also the short-term nature of our connection.  Transiting Saturn opposed my Saturn then, too.  And I was upset.  My mom had already been studying astrology for a number of years, and brought out one of her cookbooks, turning to the page for Uranus squaring the Sun.  The description so exactly described my situation that despite being a skeptic before, I was now completely fascinated.  Uranus awakened astrology for me through a person who didn’t remain in my life.  And Saturn put me on a path that would remain constant long after many relationships had run their natural course.

About Wholism

Whole by T. Colin Campbell, PhD explains the difference between a holistic paradigm and the view favored by science and medicine. The linear reductionist view is generally accepted as the “truth” by government agencies and in the media. Campbell addresses nutrition and health and the extreme and debilitating effects resulting from the American population’s acceptance of government guidelines and medical professionals’ second-hand opinions. Those of us who are astrologers face similar challenges with our holistic perspective, which is often at odds with the norm.

Dr. Campbell was an insider for over 50 years, teaching standard courses on nutrition at Cornell University, and receiving numerous research grants throughout his career.  He explains that funding is only available to those willing to tailor their research to a strictly linear, cause-and-effect model. While I was already aware of the many ways our society diminishes a holistic view of life, this book was still an eye-opener. It’s disturbing to see how medicine and the media are deeply enmeshed with corporate America.

Growing up on a farm, Campbell began with and advocated for a standard American diet. Yet over his years of research and study, he came to support whole foods and plant-based nutrition. Studies for such a diet are difficult to find as they are not linear and are not supported by industry. Apparently there are nevertheless many such studies, which show the positive effects of the diet, though they often cannot gain the attention of publications or the media (both of which are also often funded by industry, especially pharmaceuticals and other special interests).

This is an important book, however as with many of its kind, its value and limitations are both due to the author’s strong point of view. He comes just short of saying that vegetarianism can cure cancer, for example. It’s hard for us to know if he’s right or wrong. But given the predominant influence of the pharmaceutical and food industries on medicine and lifestyle in this country, more alternative voices need to be heard.


I recently wrote about Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings on the Fixed Star Arcturus, and heard that astrologer Michael Munkasey had done independent research on this star. His work appears in Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope (Llewellyn, 1993).

Munkasey tested Arcturus (now at approximately 24½ Libra) in stock market forecasting and studied its major aspects with planets in newspaper headlines and natal charts. His 2+ years of study included inspiration, dogged research, group feedback and surprising coincidences. Munkasey found meaningful correlations with the myths of the Greek goddess Psyche, so much so that he rechristened Arcturus as “the planet Psyche” (not to be confused with the asteroid). Psyche

Edgar Cayce’s readings related Arcturus to enlightenment, transcendence and spiritual development. Michael similarly found Psyche/Arcturus to align with the evolution of consciousness and self-realization. Its path may include issues of cooperation and fairness, addressing differing viewpoints, the need to ask for help, innocence, beauty, loss in love and female conflicts. On some level it appears to epitomize Libra and Venus themes. But Psyche also suggests discipline in relationships (perhaps somehow related to Saturn’s exaltation in Libra).

Munkasey describes cycles of Uranus with Psyche in world events and includes numerous capsule descriptions of Psyche in natal charts. His research is top-notch and he’s boiled the subject down to its essence, making it easily accessible. The 25-page chapter provides a fascinating and comprehensive overview and includes an ephemeris for Psyche.

Michael Munkasey’s excellent article is highly recommended, especially for those interested in the Fixed Stars, relationships, Evolutionary astrology, feminine archetypes, consciousness and divine inspiration. Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope is out-of-print, but available second-hand online. Edited by Noel Tyl, the book also includes chapters by Ed Steinbrecher, Steven Forrest, Tad Mann and others.  Buy at  Exploring Consciousness In the Horoscope

Understanding Arcturus

My article, Understanding Arcturus: the Gateway to Higher Realms, appears in the April-June issue of Venture Inward. My research into the psychic Edgar Cayce’s readings on this star was illuminating and surprising. Arcturus002

Cayce’s reports that Arcturus is a gateway to higher levels of consciousness and other dimensions are reiterated in many ways. The challenge in coming to an astrological interpretation based on Cayce’s material is that we are stuck here on three-dimensional Earth!

Below is an excerpt from my article. (Venture Inward magazine is available through membership in the A.R.E.)

Edgar Cayce mentioned the Star Arcturus in more than 30 of his psychic readings, beginning in 1928. New Age enthusiasts have championed Arcturus as a “gateway” to higher realms of consciousness that can have a profound effect on people’s lives. But what is Arcturus really all about? Why is it important? We have only to turn to the readings themselves to learn the answers to these questions.

In understanding Arcturus, it’s important to consider the readings’ repeated descriptions of the soul’s dwelling in other planetary spheres between earthly incarnations. Cayce in his trance state often spoke about astrology, and Cayce’s readings asserted that astrological aspects provide tendencies or inclinations only – the will or personal determination may surpass them. But the readings added a further dimension – the influence of the individual’s environment, including previous incarnations on the earth, as well as planetary sojourns. A planet’s theme may be accentuated in a person’s consciousness due to the fact that the soul had a past experience – an incarnation or sojourn – in that planetary sphere. (Reading 5733-3 gives a good overview of these concepts.)

Arcturus is a star and well outside of our planetary system, yet it somehow functions as a center for our sun and planets. As Cayce said in a reading,

Arcturus is that junction between the spheres of activity as related to cosmic force, and is that about which this particular environ or sphere of activity rotates… (263-15)

(To read about membership in Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. or download an earlier issue of Venture Inward maggazine, click here.)