Category Archives: horoscope interpretation

Trump 2020?

In evaluating presidential candidates, I look at several astrological factors.  Whether they win or lose is basic, but can be complicated, although there are often clear indicators for success or failure.  Does it look like they’ll have a change in responsibility or residence?  And what about their continuing relationship with the country? 

The natal chart is the most important element.  Donald Trump attracts attention with his Sun conjunct Uranus birth eclipse.  It brings surprising successes, but, I’ve always felt, will include equally notable falls from grace.  Belinda Lai has included a detailed analysis of Trump’s birth chart on AstroPastures and I agree with her analysis that the mutable pattern tends toward one-shot situations, rather than long-term appointments. 

Trump has many challenging transits in the coming months.  Between October and February, transiting Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all oppose the president’s Venus.  Jupiter and Pluto exactly oppose his Saturn in November and December, close to the election.  (They will trine his Midheaven near that time, too, but since Venus rules his MC and Saturn relates to career, I feel the oppositions carry.)  Pluto also opposes his natal Venus for the first time on February 18, 2021, drawing him to begin a new life direction.   

Progressions may be more notable in terms of where a person is going in life.  The president’s progressed Mercury in Leo, near his Mars-Pluto midpoint, sextiles natal Uranus in late September, and transiting Uranus sextiles his Mercury in late October.  Mercury co-rules his 10th house and is prominent in the 11th so this could point toward unexpected support.  But his natal Mercury lacks dignity, and none is added by the sign or 12th house placement of the progression.  He can expect help from loyal associates behind the scenes, and there may be a court decision in his favor.  But I feel that the challenging aspects outweigh the rest of the picture. 

Trump’s progressed Ascendant at 29 Libra 57, denotes the end of a phase in his life.  His progressed Venus, Jupiter and Ascendant in Libra will all take exact squares from the heavy Capricorn transits from late October through December.  (These may also explain his catching the coronavirus in early October.)

His progressed Midheaven, showing his status and career development, is equally afflicted.  The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius will oppose both his progressed Midheaven and progressed Saturn in January of 2021 from the bottom of his progressed chart (traditionally the “end of the matter”).

Trump’s progressed Moon in Virgo squares his natal Uranus in the 10th in October.  The transiting Neptune in Pisces station squares natal Uranus in November, while progressed Moon opposes transiting Neptune close to election day, creating a T-square.  Transiting Neptune’s continuing aspects from the 7th house aren’t yet exact, but will include squares to his Sun, Moon and Nodes, forming a grand cross and eroding his popularity.  The December 14 solar eclipse at 23 Sagittarius also activates the grand cross. 

In addition, the progressed Moon is within a degree and a half of conjoining the Midheaven of Joe Biden’s 8:30 a.m. birth chart!  It’s as if he’s ready to hand over the reins of government.  Or we might say that his work ethic and health situation enhance Biden’s reputation. 

The progressed Moon in declination may show periods of time when one achieves great popularity or notoriety.  Trump’s Moon progressed Out of Bounds in declination between the ages of 69 and 71, presenting a very unusual period of time when he won the 2016 election.  His progressed Moon is now on the downslope and has not been OOB for a few years:  he no longer enjoys the responsiveness from the public that he did four years ago.

Trump has some positive progressions, including progressed Moon approaching a trine to progressed U.S. Moon and his progressed Sun near a trine to U.S. progressed Ascendant.  However the most notable thing is the number of progressed to progressed aspects that are departing (I count 13 of them under 4 degrees), showing his path moving away from the country’s.  The U.S. progressed Moon at 22 Capricorn, South Node at 26 Capricorn and Pluto at 29-1/2 Capricorn are all reinforced by the transits in the same sign that afflict his birth chart. 

All of this is within the context of the bigger picture.  Donald Trump is experiencing a Nodal return, which often coincides with a life-changing time.  See my earlier post on Trump and Kamala Harris’ Nodal returns.  And the Inauguration chart, with its prominent Saturn square Uranus, also suggests a change in the party in power.  My earlier Inauguration 2021 post shows that this has historically been the case with many new administrations of the past. 

I do not believe that Donald Trump will begin a second term as President of the United States.  If he’s somehow re-elected, I expect he will face very difficult challenges indeed.   I hope to post about Biden’s horoscope soon.

Edgar Cayce’s Birth Time

The famous psychic Edgar Cayce said he’d had 37 astrological readings, and nearly half of the astrologers felt his birth time was incorrect! Cayce’s Mercury in Pisces made him visionary and eloquent, but outside of his trance states, exact details may not have been a strength. And since Mercury sextiles his Moon conjunct Neptune, confusion might also follow.

Cayce was born in the 19th century, when many American birth times weren’t recorded, so astrologers often rectified their charts. Several astrologers in touch with Cayce in the early 20th century offered him their own, “quick and dirty” rectifications on his time of birth.

Myra Kingsley, who’d worked for Evangeline Adams, wrote to Cayce with a horoscope interpretation, saying, “I have the chart drawn up for about 3:30 p.m. by West Kentucky time, as I am quite sure, due to your unusual ability, that you have a late degree of Leo rising, and the Sun in the eighth house.”

American Federation of Astrologers founder Ernest Grant had requested Edgar’s birth data and some notable life events, and shared that, “I rather believe that you were born either about 1:10 p.m. or somewhere between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.”

Thomas Sugrue, in his biography There is a River, quoted Cayce’s grandmother for a time of “three o-clock exactly.” But his biography fictionalizes dialogue and life events, so would not necessarily be trustworthy.

In a 1936 letter, Edgar clearly stated that he was born at 1:30 P.M. on a Sunday afternoon, quoting “the actual record from my parents, the physician and the birth certificate record.” While in a trance state for a reading for himself in 1919, Cayce, through his metaphysical source, provided a 3:03 p.m. birth time. These are the only two documented times that we have; others have been altered by astrologers or those not consulting the original records.

Edgar Cayce regularly differentiated between physical birth, the time of a baby’s first breath, and soul birth, which could occur many hours later. I believe that the 3:03 p.m. time provided by the reading was Edgar Cayce’s soul birth time (rounded off and given to Edgar’s grandmother by Sugrue decades later). The original birth certificate time of 1:30 was probably near his physical time of birth. The readings consistently said that physical birth times should be used for horoscope interpretations.

Edgar Cayce was born on March 18, 1877 at 1:30 p.m. LMT, in the small town of Beverly, Kentucky (Christian County – 36N45, 87W32). I would rate it “AA,” from the birth record. Birth data is listed in reading 254-2, Report 4 and 294-8, Report 13 in the Cayce database. (The soul birth time is also from reading 254-2).

Edgar Cayce’s readings and many records of his life are available to members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. I write the “Celestial Forces” column for their magazine Venture Inward, which covers many metaphysical topics. Sample issues are available here.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn is traditionally in its “fall” – since Jupiter wants everything big and upbeat, and Capricorn likes things simple and realistic. It’s a bit of a conundrum to have the planet of expansion in the sign of contraction and restriction. But obviously some make it work! These people may not find lucky breaks as often as those with Jupiter in more compatible signs, but those with Jupiter in Capricorn often achieve positions through genuine hard work and earnest application to their goals. Their careers can be long-lasting, and we remember many of them well after they’ve passed.

Some become quite accomplished at what they do, and find a commitment to their work. Jupiter rules the higher mind and ideals, and the sign of Capricorn makes them pragmatic realists. Many are self-contained and low-key, not flashy.

Government Boosters
Jupiter and Capricorn share an interest in larger issues, which can include the government. So it’s no surprise to see many with this placement in positions of authority. They often conduct themselves with Capricornian decorum:
Elena Kagan, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Barbara Bush, Gerald Ford, Margaret Thatcher, Madeline Albright.

Memorable Classics
Jupiter’s need for self-expression meets Capricorn’s ability to be succinct and pithy. These examples show how memorable Jupiter in Capricorn can be:
Langston Hughes, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Bronte.

Authentic Voices
Jupiter in Capricorn may also bless many with the ability to accomplish their goals – no matter what area of life Jupiter chooses to expand to. These individuals can have a deeply personal connection with their ideals, along with a Capricornian authenticity, sharing with others who they really are, perhaps based on hard-won personal experience:
Alyssa Milano, Pope Francis, George Takei, Caitlyn Jenner, Prince Harry, RuPaul, Edgar Cayce, Malcolm X, Vanessa Redgrave.

Astrologers can also be Jupiterian idealists with an interest in Capricornian timing. Based upon the number of astrologers with this combination, it seems a common one:
Linda Goodman, Noel Tyl, Steven Forrest, Marion Mayer Drew, Kim Farnell, Cheiro – and many more.

Inspired Careerists

The folks that follow may not seem like typical Capricornians – somehow the emphasis is on an expansive Jupiter. But they also have long-lived careers and continue working – not satisfied with being a “flash in the pan.”
Tilda Swinton, Courtney Vance, Miley Cyrus, Marie Kondo, Mark Zuckerberg, k.d. lang, Katy Perry, Dwayne Johnson, Lorde.

Another commonality between this planet and sign is comedy. It can bestow a dry sense of humor, good timing or an appreciation of irony. Those who have it also seem to be down-to-earth and grounded:
Scarlett Johansson, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Gwynyth Paltrow, Sofia Vergara, Kathy Griffin, Valerie Bertinelli, Mary Tyler Moore.

Questionable Ethics

There’s a down-side to every astrological combination, and we might say that those with Jupiter in Capricorn can go too far or be too ambitious, insensitive to others in pursuit of their goals, or even become autocrats. With Saturn ruling Capricorn, however, they may ultimately pay the price for their bad behavior:
Benjamin Netanyahu, Paul Manafort, Linda Tripp, Michael Flynn, Bill Cosby, Dustin Hoffman, Saddam Hussein, Richard Nixon.

Planetary Powers

Patti Tobin Brittain’s book, Planetary Powers: The Morin Method takes the reader through the first steps in understanding how her teacher, Gerhard Houwing and his accomplished source, Jean-Baptiste Morin (1583–1656), may have interpreted a horoscope. As I have a background in this method myself, it was fascinating to see her approach.

This is a clear introductory text that focuses on what the author calls “cause and effect.” Brittain uses stripped-down charts with only a few key elements to show how the ruler of one house placed in another creates meaning. She provides numerous examples to familiarize the reader with these mechanics, almost like drills. They are often illuminating, but it can be unclear whether the examples represent real people or theory.

Another important concept is “analogy.” The Sun has an affinity for the 10th house, and Venus for the 7th, for example. These will vary by sign, ruler, house or aspect and are also clearly illustrated. This is another concept that I had personally absorbed but never reviewed in such detail.

The planets’ essential nature (their basic meanings and whether malefic or benefic) are significant, as is cosmic state (dignities and debilities). Morin used simplified triplicity rulers (different than those in Ptolemy or William Lilly).

Students interested in Morin’s methods should find this book a good, accessible starting point. Houwing emphasized “the concise, the specific, the concrete” and a “systematic approach to reading a chart.” These do reflect Morin’s traditional practices, which are very different from modern psychological astrology.

Houwing “felt it was worse to be unresolute than to be wrong” and Brittain admits this “may sound fatalistic.” I found it so myself when one of her “malefic” examples reflected components of my own chart! I personally strive to be accurate in a more general way than rigorously specific, as the latter can often be misleading, judgmental, or just plain wrong. Horoscopes, like human beings, are complex.

Some intriguing tidbits are mentioned but not addressed and are certainly beyond the scope of the book. But I would’ve liked to read more about what factors could indicate events in childhood, middle or late life, or what placements might show experiences that are fleeting vs. constant and ongoing, for example.

Patti Tobin Brittain died in March of 2019 at the age of 91. Born on 10/28/27 in Forney, Texas, she had the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars all in Scorpio in a grand trine with Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto. Her mentor Houwing was born on 10/27/23 – just a day and four years before Brittain, so we can understand their connection astrologically. They share the Sun and Venus in Scorpio and both appear to have been single-minded and incisive. Houwing’s Jupiter closely conjoins Brittain’s Mercury, and he passed along his knowledge and experience to her. But while the teacher had Mercury sextile Neptune, the student had a square between these planets, so something may have been lost in this rendition of Houwing and Morin’s work.

Taking apart a horoscope to understand its working parts may be valuable, but putting an emphasis on isolated elements makes for a somewhat linear and literal approach. Another book is needed to fill in the vast spaces between the simplified examples shown and an interpretation and synthesis of the full horoscopes presented at the end of the book. Nevertheless, Planetary Powers provides a valuable introduction to Morin’s methods.

Check out Planetary Powers (AFA, 2010) on
(About my Amazon links)

Brittain’s birth date is from her obituary.

Houwing’s birth date is from public records on

Saturn Chasing the Moon

How can we forecast long-term trends with astrology? I wondered what took my grandmother away from her home in the U.S. for nine years during World War II. She had lengthy transits of Pluto and Neptune through houses, but their aspects changed and didn’t seem the most descriptive of her situation. Her progressed Sun in Sagittarius in her 4th house would show the developments in her home situation, including foreign travel, but that’s a longer trend. She also had Saturn chasing her Moon.

Since the progressed Moon’s cycle through the signs and Saturn’s transit cycle are similar (around 28 or 29 years), some of us will experience extended periods of time with Saturn repeating the same aspect to the progressed Moon. This, too, is such a long-term influence that it may be tough to categorize.

Saturn opposed my progressed Moon for over 20 years. For me, the period coincided with career development, important decisions, a lot of hard work and important housing issues. I also researched my family genealogy, broke an ankle and had minor surgery. I lost my father and became a caretaker for my mom. The symbolism is clear, but these are also typical life events that many of us will experience in a 20-year period.

My grandmother Ida’s cycle started in 1935 with Saturn in her 7th house opposite the progressed Moon in the 1st, and didn’t end until after 1948, with Saturn in the 1st and the Moon in her 7th (lasting about 13 years, nearly half a Saturn cycle).

Ida’s natal Moon was in the 12th and Saturn in Pisces in her 8th house. Both might relate to events she couldn’t control. There’s no close connection between the two planets, but they’re widely inconjunct (over 3-1/2 degrees apart), not the most comfortable aspect.

Ida had been away from her native land and family members for about six years when her progressed Moon began to oppose transiting Saturn. She never gave us convincing reasons why she didn’t come back to New York before her visa expired. Though when back in Germany, her mother wasn’t well and she also had no great affection for her husband in the U.S. She worked on the family farm and later had jobs as a mail carrier, waitress and housekeeper. World War II brought major limitations: food shortages and life-threatening situations. Her mother and two brothers died during this time. Ida finally got back to New York in 1947, but a year later her husband had a stroke and died, leaving her with little money and an infant to raise. The final two exact passes of her progressed Moon to transiting Saturn came later that year.

Most people won’t experience dire events like these. And because of its length, the transit Saturn-progressed Moon cycle is somewhat unwieldy for astrologers to interpret. It nests within many other cycles and we need to do a lot more research to understand how best to describe it.

See my previous post for more information on Ida’s natal chart and her experiences as a refugee and displaced person.

A Refugee

What do immigrants and refugees have in their horoscopes? Issues with the 4th house (home) and 9th (foreign countries)? Notable outer planet transits at the time of their travels and travails? My grandmother’s chart offered some clues.

Ida was born in Germany in 1907. She came to the U.S. at age 22 and was married the following year. The Moon in Leo in her 12th conjoins the Ascendant in Virgo (about 6 degrees away) and squares the Midheaven. The Moon is often connected with change, movement and travel as well as the home. The ruler of the Ascendant, Mercury in Scorpio, is placed in the 4th house and squares both the Ascendant and the Moon. So we see some potential issues with her home.

The Moon is also part of a T-square with Venus in Scorpio conjunct the IC and the Midheaven. Perhaps there was something of a toxic atmosphere at home with her six brothers and sisters, or maybe she was simply restless and craved some change. This pattern might also affect her status or standing (10th house). In addition, her North Node in Cancer also points toward important experiences surrounding the home and family, especially as it closely trines Venus conjunct the IC. (She later worked for many years as a housekeeper.)

Ida had another T-square made up of the Sun in Scorpio in the 3rd house, Mars, ruler of her 9th, and Jupiter. The blending of the 3rd house of local transit with expansive Jupiter and the ruler of the 9th of long distance travel also suggests life experiences involving travel, foreign cultures or languages. The Sun-Mars-Jupiter combination should give her initiative and courage, but placed in cadent houses (3rd, 6th and 12th), she didn’t always have the complete freedom of choice she may have wanted.

Ida’s Moon also closely sextiles Pluto in the 10th house, and her life did undergo a radical change, even after she had settled down in New York State. In 1938, missing her family, she returned to Germany for a long visit. But by the time she was set to return in 1939, Great Britain had declared war on Germany, her mother was ill and wanted her to stay, and she wasn’t eager to go back to her husband. She was soon unable to return, spending the duration of World War II in Europe. She was required to regularly check in with the local Nazi authorities: she’d been in the U.S. for so long that she was considered “stateless,” complicating her legal status. She experienced bombing raids, food shortages and other harsh realities of war. Many women in the area were raped by Russian soldiers.

Ida’s Moon, 4th and 9th houses weren’t the most difficult, and she did survive the long wartime ordeal. But with two T-squares involving planets in fixed signs, the challenges and losses persisted. She eventually became both a displaced person and a refugee. It took many harrowing years before she was able to return to the U.S. after the war – not until the middle of 1947. Her journey had lasted nearly nine years.

I take a look at Ida’s transits and progressions during her travels in another post.

Jane Austen… Again

Over 200 years after her death, Jane Austen’s popularity continues to soar. Her numerous book spin-offs include plays, film adaptations, soft-core porn sequels and even things like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. With Neptune rising in her horoscope, it appears that everyone can see something different in Austen.

Neptune conjoining the Ascendant in Virgo in Jane’s chart makes her work multi-layered. Her books give us her personal impressions and are true-to-life reflections of daily concerns that strike a chord with readers, perhaps because there is usually some romanticism and often the suggestion of happy endings. But typical of Neptune, we don’t even know what she looked like!

Austen may not always be what she appears, especially as Neptune squares her 4th house Sun in Sagittarius. Commentators have seen her as a conservative, a house-mouse and a feminist (she never married and while tied to her family, she produced great novels). Her Mercury in Sag. in the 3rd attests to her need to write, and it opposes Uranus in the 9th house, giving her an independent outlook. Jupiter in Gemini in the 9th shows her education and the ability to publish, especially as it trines her Moon and Saturn straddling the 2nd house cusp. This aspect is probably part of what has continued to keep her books popular with readers, as Saturn can bring longevity. (While she sold some work during her lifetime, Jane did not make much money at it.) Venus in Scorpio indicates her deep feelings.

The Moon in Libra conjoining Saturn gives Austen a consistent interest in relationships, which were both persistent (especially those with women) and limited (she quickly broke off an engagement). The Moon and Saturn also square Mars in Capricorn in her 4th house, suggesting responsibilities and obligations to the home and family. Her life had limitations. Saturn squaring Pluto in Capricorn shows her pragmatic and realistic side. The Sag. and Capricorn planets combine to make her work both humorous and ironic.

With Pluto trining the writer’s Ascendant in 2020 and returning to its natal place in 2021, the recycling of her brand will probably continue. Hopefully some of it will get to the heart of what makes Jane Austen special.

Jane Austen was born on December 3, 1775 at around 11:45 pm in Steventon, Hampshire, England, according to a letter from her father – see Astrodatabank.
Helena Kelly’s feminist analysis, Jane Austen, Secret Radical, deconstructs Austen’s life and work and provides an encyclopedic look at the history and culture of the time.

Astrology to the Rescue!

It’s such a common movie and TV plot: a person is at a crossroads and they don’t know what to do. Should they marry X? Go to school? Change jobs? There’s a lot of drama before the protagonist makes the right (or wrong!) decision. It often leaves me thinking that, if they’d just go to an astrologer, things would be a lot easier.

Astrology can answer so many questions of life, perhaps especially those related to the angular houses of self-expression, relationships, career, home and family. A horoscope is like a map or compass showing your life’s pattern. While it can’t provide specifics, it can often tell us more about all of the following:

The areas of life and types of experiences that should come easily to us;
Where challenges could occur, with suggestions to overcome them;
How to best develop your talents;
What to expect from partners, superiors, lovers and friends;
How uncontrollable events may impact on you and how to best address them (things from the outside world, culture or society);
Where your greatest opportunities could appear and when to expect them;
If it’s better to get married now, later or never;
How to maximize your assets;
How to overcome your liabilities;
The types of career that you could succeed in and what to expect along the way;
If a problem is temporary or long-term, when and how it may be resolved;

And much more! In fact, for every area of life, there’s probably an astrologer who can give you more insight.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter is called the greater benefic and Sagittarius is the sign where it’s most at home. Jupiter and Sagittarius think in broad terms and enjoy expansion. The combination also accentuates its meaning, as planet and sign share similar qualities. Jupiter/Sag. people often like to do things in a big way and may at times over-reach or go too far. Though we may feel that some have a lot of “hot air,” they tend to be naturally exuberant and positive people.

Jupiter entered Sagittarius, its own sign, on November 8, 2018, where it will remain until December 2, 2019. My father and two aunts had Jupiter in Sag., each born 12 years apart. They were all warm, optimistic and talkative people, with an openness and candor. They had lots of energy and an upbeat attitude, actively engaging with life and others. I found it easy to enjoy their company, as all of them laughed wholeheartedly and were good story-tellers. They each had strong opinions on certain topics, and although Sagittarius is a mutable sign, they were committed to their ideas and beliefs.

Though all were angular, with very different aspects and house placements, their expressions of Jupiter were varied. My dad worked in the legal system throughout his life. One aunt was bilingual and enjoyed travelling; the other had strong religious convictions. Some of the typical expressions associated with Jupiter and Sagittarius are experiences with the law, foreign cultures or philosophical beliefs.

Let’s look at some celebrity examples for a better idea of the many expressions of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Notice how many of these characters could easily fit into more than one category.

Philosophers: People committed to their beliefs, whether they’re astrologers or in touch with the metaphysical world, share Jupiter in Sagittarius. They may have insight into the cosmos or our connection with the divine: Howard Sasportas, Carroll Righter, Karl Ernst Krafft, Marc Edmund Jones, Antoine de St.-Exupery, Eckhart Tolle, William Blake, Henry David Thoreau, William Butler Yeats.

Like Laughter: It was easy to find comedians with this combination, as many of them have an irrepressible sense of humor, while also offering insight into life: Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, Sacha Baron Cohen, Allison Janney, Damon Wayans, Ted Danson, Cameron Diaz, Tracy Ullman, Hugh Grant, Alan Alda, Bernadette Peters, Jim Henson, Billy Crystal, Kevin Kline, Richard Simmons, Phylicia Rashad.

Law and Politics: Government and the legal system are other natural outlets, as many legal experts and politicians share Jupiter in Sag: Justin Trudeau, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michael Avenatti, Prince Charles, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, Janet Reno, Al Gore, Antonin Scalia.

Striking Voices: Jupiterians come across in a big way or may literally have an exuberant voice: Idina Menzel, Amy Winehouse, Carrie Underwood, Stella McCartney, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Andrew Lloyd Weber, David Mamet, Jackson Pollack, Maria Callas.

Wide Acclaim: People with Jupiter in Sagittarius are often attracted to other cultures and may reflect their ethnic heritage, share something from another culture or become widely known, even internationally: Sofia Coppola, Emma Thompson, Alan Turing, Yves Saint Laurent, Selena, Ricky Martin, Julia Child, Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens, Florence Griffith-Joyner.

Speak their Minds: Sagittarians have a need to enlighten and educate. They’re sincere truth-seekers, with faith in their ideals. Some celebrities with Jupiter in Sag. speak out on political or educational issues or are simply known for being outspoken themselves: Jada Pinkett Smith, Jane Lynch, Amber Rose, Ben Affleck, Simon Cowell, Truman Capote, Sarah Ferguson, Robert Redford.

Go too Far: The flaw in Sagittarius and Jupiter may be not knowing when to stop. Since they like to see the big picture and may enjoy gambling, some have ideological beliefs or what the Greeks called “hubris” – arrogance towards the gods or excessive pride. We can find both people and situations that typify this trait: Martin Shkreli, Edward Snowden, Lance Armstrong, Kim Jong-Un, statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee placed in Charlottesville, VA park (Lee also surrendered on a Jupiter in Sagittarius), Titanic sailing.

Stacey Abrams and Recounts

Stacey Abrams has been battling entrenched authorities in the Georgia Governor’s race as transit Saturn creates a T-square with her natal Saturn-Pluto square. She’s won a court victory as a judge authorized votes with partial discrepancies. Tr. Saturn will exactly square her Pluto on 11/18/18, the time when the Florida Secretary of State could certify the election. It’s disappointing that we have no birth time, as it seems to me there’s some progressed angularity we’re missing with the noon chart I used.

Abrams is an eclipse person, with a partial lunar eclipse the day after her birthday. She also has a probable Out of Bounds Moon that also attracts attention. She’s a lightning rod and literally the opposite of Donald Trump with her Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini.

Her progressed Sun, Moon (depending on birth time), Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all in Aquarius, accentuating Abrams’ Moon-Venus-Jupiter-Pluto grand air trine. Transit Uranus stations near her Mars in Aries from late December to early January 2019, when it will exactly trine her North Node in Sagittarius. Jupiter will also conjoin her Sun in January. While the Governor’s race is hard to call without a birth time, Abrams has gained national recognition and should begin a major new adventure in 2019.