I’m definitely not a James Bond fan, but I really enjoyed The Astrology of Bond. Why? It’s the astrology! Hollywood astrologer Ra Rishikavi Raghudas has given us lots of charts, with well-drawn interpretations that only someone who’s spent a lifetime practicing astrology can do. And I no longer see many in-depth horoscope portraits elsewhere, making this book valuable indeed.
The Astrology of Bond cover blurb says it’s “suitable even for those with little or no astrological knowledge,” and while there are clear explanations throughout and much of a non-astrological nature, I personally think readers should have the basics to best appreciate the book.
Ra has done a tremendous amount of research and I especially enjoyed reading about the history and back story of the Bond works. We’re treated to the horoscopes of Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer Dr. John Dee, Rudolf Hess (yes, he’s connected), creator Ian Fleming, his mentors, his wife, the American ornithologist whose name was borrowed for the character, the producers, all of the actors who played the title role and more. For film and electional astrology buffs, all of the horoscopes for the movie premieres are included too.
I also found the section on the alchemical myths that relate to the Bond story fascinating, as well as Fleming’s friends in occult circles (and their horoscopes). It’s ironic how such a self-destructive man as Ian Fleming (who died at 56 from a heart attack due to chain smoking, drinking and a generally unhealthy lifestyle) created what became a seemingly indestructible man.
Ra is living in the 21st century, and while James Bond may have been an old-school, misogynistic alpha-male, the writer certainly is not, and also considers the shifting cultural climate and how the series adapted to succeed throughout the years. He also notes the 1962 Solar Eclipse in Aquarius (with seven planets in that sign) and the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s as initiating the new social norms that helped the Bond archetype take root.
Ra Rishikavi Raghudas is a seasoned astrologer who brings a depth of experience to his book. He’s a wonderful writer with an easily accessible style, who presents sound, solid astrology while also touching on many tools to use and ways to look at a chart. If you’re an astrologer who’s interested in film or its history, you’ll enjoy this fun and informative book. But if, like me, you crave compelling horoscope interpretations of real people and events, you’ll find much more.
Former president Donald Trump was campaigning and hoping for a comeback win after leaving office nearly four years earlier. He became the victim of a failed assassination attempt and was superficially wounded. We can say exactly the same of Theodore Roosevelt 112 years before. Roosevelt was shot in Milwaukee and it seemed an odd synchronicity that Trump would soon address the Republican convention in Milwaukee, too. What similarities are there in the horoscopes?
Teddy Roosevelt had endorsed William Howard Taft (his Vice President) for the 1908 election, but became disillusioned with his policies during Taft’s administration. When TR didn’t receive the Republication nomination, he formed his own, more progressive party, and went on the campaign trail. He arrived in Milwaukee on October 14, 1912, had dinner and was leaving the hotel for his speaking engagement when he was shot. The bullet may have killed him but was slowed by a steel eyeglasses case and the 50-page speech in his breast pocket before lodging in his chest. (The bullet was never removed and didn’t create problems.) The former president went on to deliver his speech before seeking medical aid.
The event chart shows Gemini rising. The Moon was angular, conjunct the 7th house cusp and conjoined Jupiter in Sagittarius, but both were setting, so not as strong as they otherwise might be. Mars closely squared Uranus, showing the sudden violence of the act. A total solar eclipse had occurred at 17 Libra four days before. And we have heavier planets changing signs, with Uranus at 29-1/2 Capricorn and Pluto at 0° Cancer. Both Pluto as well as Saturn at 3 Gemini were retrograde, and both would soon enter their previous signs by the time of the election, showing a changing situation in the outside world.
Roosevelt also had Gemini with Jupiter rising in his birth chart, so the transiting Ascendant conjoined his Ascendant, and transiting Moon and Jupiter were setting in his birth chart as well.
Trump’s shooting chart shows some similarities. He was probably more fortunate than Roosevelt since only an ear was hit by the bullet. He was immediately surrounded by Secret Service agents who rushed him to a local hospital for treatment.
Sagittarius was rising, opposite the sign of 112 years before, and Jupiter was once again setting, in the opposite sign of Gemini. The Moon was again angular (in the event 10th house), once more showing a notable public event. Mars conjoined Uranus in Trump’s shooting chart (by a little more than one degree, similar to TR’s shooting chart). A total solar eclipse had occurred at 19 Aries three months before the shooting.
We once again have some heavier planets changing signs, showing how the outside world is poised on a new phase. In July of 2024, Neptune is near 30 Pisces and Pluto at 1 Aquarius, both retrograde, and Pluto will return to Capricorn (conjunct the TR shooting Uranus and near U.S. natal Pluto) at the time of the November election.
The transiting Ascendant of the shooting chart conjoined Trump’s South Node and Moon, with transiting Jupiter, Mars and Uranus angularly placed in his 10th house.
What’s unusual about the two shootings is that both repeat and echo natal placements from mid to late Gemini and Sagittarius. Nodes in both shooting charts were 10-12 Aries/Libra, with only about 2 degrees difference in the two charts.
In 2014, historian Gerard Helferich talked about his book on the TR shooting, saying that, “During the election campaign of 1912, the major issues included the growing divide between rich and poor, the overwhelming influence exerted by the corporations in the political process, a feeling that the political system was broken and needed to be fixed and a split in the Republican Party. Does any of that sound familiar?”
Obviously, both former presidents were campaigning and hoping to return to office. Roosevelt, running independently, had split the Republican ticket and Democrat Woodrow Wilson was elected in 1912. Trump was nominated by his party, though we have yet to see the results of the 2024 election.
To my mind, the synchronicities in these charts suggest that Trump may not win. A shooting, no matter how fortunate, does hold the symbolism of danger. But an omen is not astrology, and we’ll need to look at many more charts before coming to a definite conclusion.
Theodore Roosevelt was shot on October 14, 1912 at about 8:00 pm in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, according to the Providence RI Evening Bulletin the following day.
Donald J. Trump was shot on July 13, 2024 at 6:11:33 pm according to a CBSNews.com timeline taken from live video footage.
In my book, Tecumseh’s Curse, I studied the cyclic patterns in Inauguration charts. Since all three previous Sun-Saturn administrations “were limited in time and by circumstances,” I still think Joe Biden will be a one-term president.
Previous Sun-Saturn presidencies faced contentious issues. Examples are Zachary Taylor (1849), Rutherford B. Hayes (1877) and JFK (1961). In each, the country was divided as we addressed major conflicts regarding race, so I felt that “racial justice will once again feature during the 2021 administration,” which has proven to be true.
I expected previous Sun-Uranus and Sun-Pluto administrations to show similarities to 2021 as well. These cyclic patterns indicated that “financial affairs were often highlighted, with important changes in policies and trends,” the “political parties themselves underwent change,” and “the country’s territory, alliances and antagonisms came to the forefront.” We can already see how these influences have played out in the first half of the Biden administration with inflation, recession and rising interest rates; the changes in both parties notable in Congress; and developments involving relationships with China and Russia in particular.
I believe that planetary cycles are an extremely important forecasting tool. They reveal the patterns of history, and how certain themes are reiterated with each new generation. Since Joe Biden, inaugurated with the Sun conjunct Saturn, is presumed to be running for president again in 2024, I’m not sure exactly how things will play out, but time and further astrological study will tell.
I’m very pleased to announce my update of What Evangeline Adams Knew: A Book of Astrological Charts and Techniques – now available in digital and print. Originally published 19 years ago (a nodal return), the book was ready for a renovation.
I corrected some errors (including a few birth times) and made it a little easier to read. It’s essentially the same book with a few additions. Evangeline’s teacher Catherine Thompson’s chart for her second wedding shows why it was problematic. Edgar Cayce biographer Thomas Sugrue’s account of his reading with Adams gives us another example of how she worked. And a short excerpt on astrological investing from Sepharial’s The Law of Values clues us in on the state of financial astrology in the early 20th century.
What Evangeline Adams Knew introduces us to Adams through the charts and work of several of her teachers. We get to know her through her relationships with Aleister Crowley, her marketer husband and many of her friends and associates. I include the transcript from her 1916 trial for fortune telling in New York City, and analyze many of her forecasts for individuals, public figures (including politicians running for office) and mundane affairs.
If interested, be sure to buy the 2023 corrected and updated edition with the new cover above. What Evangeline Adams Knew is available on Amazon.com, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, Hoopla and other outlets.
It was August of 1953: my parents were married with the Sun in Leo conjunct Pluto in their wedding chart. Not something an astrologer would have chosen or the most auspicious of placements. But they had already both lived through the Depression and World War II in Europe (and both had Sun-Pluto aspects in their birth charts). The Sun and Pluto conjoined her Midheaven and his Ascendant, and formed a grand trine with his seventh house Jupiter and her Uranus. They were very different people but were both warm-hearted and agreed on the basics: finances and the kids.
The reception was at my grandparents’ home in Flatbush. In the photo: Uncle Nick Cosentino from next door, and Aunts Millie and Josephine to the right.
My parents both had Libra Moons, and the Moon was in Libra in their wedding chart too. They were married for 58 years. My dad passed with an exact Saturn return to the wedding chart!
When an electional chart works, events should flow smoothly and allow you to accomplish your goal. Might things turn out differently if we started earlier or later? It’s hard to say, since there’s usually no way to compare. But Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland’s 19th century race around the world gives us two departure times for the same goal.
Nellie Bly was an early undercover reporter who famously had herself committed to a mental institution in 1887 and shared her experiences in the sensational New York World. She subsequently exposed sweatshops, jails and lobbying practices. Later, 25-year-old Bly convinced the editors to support her attempt to beat Jules Verne’s fictional record from Around the World in 80 Days. Her ship departed for Europe from Hoboken, New Jersey on November 14, 1889 at exactly 9:40:30 a.m.
Capitalizing on the publicity, Cosmopolitan magazine sent its own writer, Elizabeth Bisland, on the same journey in the opposite direction. Bisland was a freelancer from the south who only had six hours to prepare. Her train left Grand Central Station at 6:00 p.m. the same day for the west coast. How do the event charts compare?
Nellie Bly left in the morning. Jupiter rises, and all the rest but Neptune and Pluto are above the horizon. The Sagittarius Ascendant signifies a long trip, though Jupiter in Capricorn is not at its best (the reporter did pack light, bringing only one carry-on bag). But Venus in Libra in the 10th house of success is a final dispositor of the chart (all planets by traditional rulership lead to it), and its conjunction with Uranus shows the attention-grabbing nature of the event.
While the horoscope isn’t high in essential dignity, rulerships strengthen some key planets. Jupiter in its detriment in Capricorn squares Mars in the 9th house but also exalts it. The combination perfectly describes the pioneering journey and highlights initiative and speed. Mercury in Scorpio in the 10th sextiles Jupiter, and it’s also exalted by Saturn in the 8th house, which trines Jupiter, symbolism for both movement and follow-through (as well as the support of a major publication). Saturn also exalts Mars.
Bisland’s trip of course has the same dignities. But she left after sundown, when most planets were below the horizon, and the Ascendant ruler Mercury fell in the weaker 6th house. (Its sextile to Jupiter conjunct the 8th house may confirm the fact that Cosmopolitan’s editors bribed some carriers to facilitate the trip.) The Midheaven ruler, Saturn, showing the final outcome, is below the earth in the 4th. And while electrifying Uranus now forms a nice grand trine with the Ascendant and MC, dignified Venus is in a relatively weaker position near the 6th house cusp.
As we’d imagine, Nellie Bly completed the trip in about 72 days and 6 hours, receiving great acclaim. Elizabeth Bisland returned to New York 4½ days later. But if the departure times were switched, would it have worked out differently? Event and election charts are not stand-alones, and the natal charts always tell part of the story.
The journey was Bly’s idea proposed a year earlier, and with Jupiter in Scorpio, her Sun conjunct Pluto and Moon all in Taurus, she was determined and had overcome an impoverished background. Transiting Jupiter approached a trine to her Taurus planets at her departure, and transiting Uranus trined its natal place.
28-year-old Aquarius Bisland was also independent and self-supporting. Transiting Jupiter trined her natal Saturn, and she neared her Saturn return, both heavier influences. The trip also reflected her natal Saturn square Uranus, bringing a sudden development to her life. Like Bly, she was probably well paid for her efforts.
I’m not sure an astrologer would have elected either of these charts, though both travelers returned safely. If we wait for the ideal time to act, we could be waiting a long, long time.
Nellie Bly was born on May 5, 1864 in Cochrans Mills, PA. Elizabeth Bisland was born on February 11, 1861 near Fairfax, Louisiana. No times of birth are available.
The 2021 inauguration horoscope seems to indicate a period of momentous change and potential turmoil, upheaval and even loss during the term. Seven planets all square one another, and Neptune squares the Nodes. Certainly there should be many noteworthy events in the coming four years, and we also appear to be moving into a new and different situation. Is it possible to be more specific?
We can get a better idea of what we might expect in the future by looking back through history. While I’ve seen no inauguration horoscope as focused or dramatic as 2021, various elements repeat themselves from previous administrations.
Pluto can relate to financial issues, power, essential transformation and intervention or even manipulation. Pluto with the Sun or Midheaven in an inauguration horoscope may show the president’s experience with these issues during the term.
Thomas Jefferson’s 1801 administration and James Monroe’s 1817 term both had the Sun conjunct Pluto in Pisces. William McKinley (and Theodore Roosevelt) had the inaugural Sun and Mercury in a T-square with Uranus and Pluto. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had an angular grand cross with the Sun, Moon, Mars, Uranus and Pluto in 1937 and a fixed grand cross with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto in 1941. Ronald Reagan’s 1981 inauguration had the Sun, Moon and Nodes square Pluto.
Most of these Plutonian administrations were notable victories for the presidents elected. They all sought to unite the country in various ways, and often succeeded (the above list includes some of the most notable presidents in history). The political parties themselves also underwent change either in their evolution or due to reforms or other pressing issues. Developments in the country’s territory, alliances and antagonisms came to the forefront. Financial affairs were often highlighted, with important changes in policies and trends. The presidents either chose to utilize more fiscal or political power, or were forced to do so.
Hard aspects from Uranus to the Sun in inauguration horoscopes created surprising and unforeseen circumstances in administrations that started with them. They coincided with danger to the chief executive as well as some of the shortest of presidential terms. William Henry Harrison served for a month (Sun conjunct Uranus), James Garfield and William McKinley only eked out about six months apiece (Sun opposite and square Uranus, respectively), and Warren Harding served for about two and a half years (Sun opposite Uranus). The Civil War raged throughout Abraham Lincoln’s Sun square Uranus 1861 term, with a tempestuous and chaotic situation for the entire country. (All of these inauguration charts also included Jupiter conjunct or parallel Saturn.)
A concern for 2021 is Uranus conjoining the inaugural Ascendant (less than 7½ degrees). Roosevelt’s 1941 inauguration Uranus was solidly in the first house and he was forced to confront the constant unpredictability of war (though Uranus had no close classical aspects and the fixed grand cross did not involve it). Roosevelt’s 1937 administration may more closely resemble 2021, as Uranus is in a grand cross with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. Overseas conflicts were a key issue, but the U.S. was not yet at war. Though in 1937, Uranus was in the twelfth house in the inauguration chart.
Ulysses S. Grant’s first term featured Uranus rising closely trine the Sun and a grand fire trine, quite a different pattern. He was a reformer who supported Reconstruction and civil rights and made progress in these areas while stabilizing the economy.
Uranus and Mars conjunct the first house in 2021 suggests a new identity and perspective for the country. Mars in its detriment in Taurus holds the potential for volatility and even violence, and with an angular Sun square Uranus, the president will likely face some surprises. Popular movements may impact the coming years, leading to reform or even some sort of crisis or revolution that shakes up the country in a significant way.
But with traditional rulers, Saturn is the final dispositor of the 2021 inauguration chart, ultimately ruling both Mars and Uranus as well as the Sun. Only a few chief executives began their terms with the Sun actually conjunct Saturn. These coincided with contentious issues and the administrations were limited in time or by circumstances.
Zachary Taylor was the only president not elected in a zero year to die in office. His 1849 inauguration Sun conjoined both Saturn and the South Node. Over a decade before the Civil War, the slavery debate had created partisan divisions and southern leaders threatened succession. Rutherford B. Hayes came to the presidency in 1877. With an inaugural Sun conjunct Saturn, Hayes’ election was one of the most hotly disputed in U.S. history. He lost the popular vote, and electoral votes in the south were contested amidst charges of fraud and Black voter suppression. John F. Kennedy’s Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn years are remembered for the Cold War, with civil rights also an important issue during the early ‘60s as well.
All three of these Sun-Saturn administrations addressed Black inequality (the Sun-Saturn combinations reiterate the Sun-Saturn square in the U.S. horoscope). With the Black Lives Matter movement in the forefront in 2020, it seems probable that racial justice will once again feature in the 2021 administration. The president could be limited to some extent by public opinion (first house), opposing parties or international relations. Like FDR or even Woodrow Wilson in 1913 with a Moon-Mars-Uranus conjunction straddling the ninth house cusp, the president may also need to begin to respond to developments abroad as the country’s relationships are re-evaluated and reorganized (since Mars or Pluto rule the inaugural seventh house).
Uranus squaring Saturn in the tenth house in the 2021 inauguration highlights the breakdown of old structures, with movement into a new phase. Unanticipated events might even impact the president personally.
In fact, many presidential elections or inaugurations with hard aspects between Saturn and Uranus have coincided with a change in the president’s political party. (We can consistently see this in the transitions from James Buchanan to Lincoln, Hoover to FDR, Truman to Eisenhower, Ford to Carter, Clinton to George W. Bush and Bush to Obama.) This presents a likelihood that the same will occur in 2021.
Though I personally need to analyze the candidates themselves before coming to a more definite opinion about the election (see my guidelines for forecasting political elections here), planetary cycles are very powerful!
I analyze many inaugural horoscopes in my forthcoming book, Tecumseh’s Curse: Indigenous Wisdom, Astrology and the Death of U.S. Presidents.
Geoffrey Cornelius has taken a wonderful look at astrology and skepticism and concludes that horary is a tool for divination in The Moment of Astrology. While somewhat philosophical, this well-researched book is also full of gems from the history and practice of astrology.
Scientific studies of astrology often don’t work, and the author feels that our reliance on quantification “threatens to undermine the whole way of proceeding with symbols.” He shares an often overlooked conclusion by Jung in his analysis of married couples, that the attitudes and desires of the person doing the research will influence the result (kind of a quantum theory point of view).
We’re treated to a survey of the history of astrology, from predestination to inclination and more mystical approaches. He sees his own perspective as originating in Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman models of divination, which necessitated a participatory relationship between the gods and humans. He also addresses the odd circumstance that many practicing astrologers experience, of getting the right answer from the wrong chart.
Geoffrey Cornelius sees horary or electional astrology as seeking a blessing, and that the outcome is not compelled. There is an allegory between planets and events. In his own work, Cornelius tries to answer the question of how to resolve the situation “to the good fortune” by presenting the client with possibilities. He reminds us of Lilly’s admonition to “afflict not the miserable with the terror of a harsh judgment.”
There are few actual horary charts included, but the interpretations are fascinating. Geoffrey analyzes the horoscope presented with the 1975 Humanist article (where scientists attacked astrology), Charles Carter’s query about horary itself, and perhaps most compelling, his own horary about an exploitative tenant of his aunt’s. These make terrific studies.
The horary revival is seen as beginning with Olivia Barclay’s reprint of William Lilly and Derek Appleby’s book, both in 1985. This surprised me, but I was reminded that in the U.S., Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson’s horary book came out in 1960 and Barbara Watters’ in 1975, so the American revival was actually earlier.
The Moment of Astrology is an in-depth, thorough and thoughtful work. I took my time reading it as there is much to consider and it can be slow going at times. I can’t agree with all of Geoffrey Cornelius’ conclusions, but he is always thought provoking.
Over four years after the disappearance of Malaysia Air Flight 370, the investigation team issued its report. They couldn’t identify what went wrong and ruled out mechanical or computer failure. Air traffic controllers didn’t follow standard procedures when the plane missed its next expected contact. They also confirmed a turn-back under manual control and could not rule out “unlawful interference.”
The horoscope for the flight’s take-off shows the difficult issues ahead. The Midheaven, which represents the pilot (authority), closely squares the Moon in Gemini conjunct the descendant and opposes Neptune in Pisces on the IC. With the Ascendant, this T-square becomes a tight grand cross with Neptune dominating. If we analyze the event chart as a horary, the IC indicates the “end of the matter,” and with Neptune we are left with a watery disappearance and a mystery.
The Ascendant is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter in its exaltation (greatest strength) in Cancer in the 8th house, shows the possibility of danger and death, especially as Jupiter opposes Pluto. Jupiter is ruled by the Moon conjunct the 7th house, which also suggests the involvement of someone in the tragedy and confirms the use of the manual controls.
Mercury rules the Virgo Midheaven and indicates the pilot (the authority figure). Falling in the third house in Aquarius, Mercury squares its ruler Saturn in Scorpio in the 12th, pointing toward the flight’s undoing. As Mercury also rules the Moon in Gemini, it’s associated with the pilot. If we consider Uranus to rule Mercury in Aquarius, it forms another close T-square with Jupiter and Pluto and may suggest that the pilot was unbalanced or overcome. Experts on 60 Minutes in Australia presented a theory involving the pilot, though the official investigation team cleared him of a suicide attempt.
Looking back for multiple planets in Capricorn, I found January 10, 1994, which featured 7 planets in Capricorn as well as Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio. That date was the beginning of the trial of Lorena Bobbitt for cutting off her husband’s penis (the irony of the name must be given to Jupiter in Scorpio!).
She was found not-guilty as she had suffered physical and mental abuse from the husband for years. Maybe Pluto in Scorpio added to the violence of the act. Today, with Pluto in Capricorn, the efforts seem more directed toward reform in business and other institutionalized hierarchies.
The horoscope for John Wayne Bobbitt is on Astrodatabank – he had Mars in Scorpio opposite Venus, which is a tough and potentially brutal combination. His Sun in Aries closely conjunct Saturn, both quincunx Mars, may have made him both aggressive and frustrated. He subsequently served time for assaulting another woman as well as he second wife.
Lorena was born on October 31, 1970 in Bucay, Ecuador. She had Mars conjunct Uranus, explaining her impetuous actions. Most of her planets were in Scorpio, though, so she was able to withstand her abusive husband for nearly five years. She was also near her Jupiter return at the time of the trial, which helped others understand her story and put some luck on her side.
This is a sad story all around, but important in terms of women’s rights. Many these days are associating Jupiter in Scorpio with the “MeToo” movement. In 1994, two Jupiter cycles before, we these issues were already in the news.