Parallel Shootings

Former president Donald Trump was campaigning and hoping for a comeback win after leaving office nearly four years earlier.  He became the victim of a failed assassination attempt and was superficially wounded.  We can say exactly the same of Theodore Roosevelt 112 years before.  Roosevelt was shot in Milwaukee and it seemed an odd synchronicity that Trump would soon address the Republican convention in Milwaukee, too.  What similarities are there in the horoscopes?

Teddy Roosevelt had endorsed William Howard Taft (his Vice President) for the 1908 election, but became disillusioned with his policies during Taft’s administration.  When TR didn’t receive the Republication nomination, he formed his own, more progressive party, and went on the campaign trail.  He arrived in Milwaukee on October 14, 1912, had dinner and was leaving the hotel for his speaking engagement when he was shot.  The bullet may have killed him but was slowed by a steel eyeglasses case and the 50-page speech in his breast pocket before lodging in his chest.  (The bullet was never removed and didn’t create problems.)  The former president went on to deliver his speech before seeking medical aid.

The event chart shows Gemini rising.  The Moon was angular, conjunct the 7th house cusp and conjoined Jupiter in Sagittarius, but both were setting, so not as strong as they otherwise might be.  Mars closely squared Uranus, showing the sudden violence of the act.  A total solar eclipse had occurred at 17 Libra four days before.  And we have heavier planets changing signs, with Uranus at 29-1/2 Capricorn and Pluto at 0° Cancer.  Both Pluto as well as Saturn at 3 Gemini were retrograde, and both would soon enter their previous signs by the time of the election, showing a changing situation in the outside world.

Roosevelt also had Gemini with Jupiter rising in his birth chart, so the transiting Ascendant conjoined his Ascendant, and transiting Moon and Jupiter were setting in his birth chart as well.

Trump’s shooting chart shows some similarities.  He was probably more fortunate than Roosevelt since only an ear was hit by the bullet.  He was immediately surrounded by Secret Service agents who rushed him to a local hospital for treatment.

Sagittarius was rising, opposite the sign of 112 years before, and Jupiter was once again setting, in the opposite sign of Gemini.  The Moon was again angular (in the event 10th house), once more showing a notable public event.  Mars conjoined Uranus in Trump’s shooting chart (by a little more than one degree, similar to TR’s shooting chart).  A total solar eclipse had occurred at 19 Aries three months before the shooting.

We once again have some heavier planets changing signs, showing how the outside world is poised on a new phase.  In July of 2024, Neptune is near 30 Pisces and Pluto at 1 Aquarius, both retrograde, and Pluto will return to Capricorn (conjunct the TR shooting Uranus and near U.S. natal Pluto) at the time of the November election.

The transiting Ascendant of the shooting chart conjoined Trump’s South Node and Moon, with transiting Jupiter, Mars and Uranus angularly placed in his 10th house.

What’s unusual about the two shootings is that both repeat and echo natal placements from mid to late Gemini and Sagittarius.  Nodes in both shooting charts were 10-12 Aries/Libra, with only about 2 degrees difference in the two charts.

In 2014, historian Gerard Helferich talked about his book on the TR shooting, saying that, “During the election campaign of 1912, the major issues included the growing divide between rich and poor, the overwhelming influence exerted by the corporations in the political process, a feeling that the political system was broken and needed to be fixed and a split in the Republican Party. Does any of that sound familiar?”

Obviously, both former presidents were campaigning and hoping to return to office.  Roosevelt, running independently, had split the Republican ticket and Democrat Woodrow Wilson was elected in 1912.  Trump was nominated by his party, though we have yet to see the results of the 2024 election.

To my mind, the synchronicities in these charts suggest that Trump may not win.  A shooting, no matter how fortunate, does hold the symbolism of danger.  But an omen is not astrology, and we’ll need to look at many more charts before coming to a definite conclusion.

Theodore Roosevelt was shot on October 14, 1912 at about 8:00 pm in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, according to the Providence RI Evening Bulletin the following day.

Donald J. Trump was shot on July 13, 2024 at 6:11:33 pm according to a timeline taken from live video footage.

My book, Tecumseh’s Curse: Indigenous Wisdom, Astrology and the Deaths of U.S. Presidents, analyzes the background and cycles of presidential deaths.