In a stunning settlement, the University of Southern California agreed to pay $1.1 billion to compensate over 700 sexual abuse victims for their experiences with long-time student gynecologist, Dr. George Tyndall. The agreement is the largest of its kind, an admission of the gravity of the doctor’s behavior. How is a perpetrator of such extensive abuse able to continue for so long?

Dr. Tyndall’s prominent T-square shows his long-term position (Sun, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn), his attraction to young people (the Moon in Cancer – a full Moon chart) and his hidden, distorted reality (all square Neptune). Saturn in Leo in its detriment conjunct Pluto and inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn seems a clear indication of his abuse of his position and power over his teenage patients. Mars exalted in Capricorn allowed him to persist for nearly a full Saturn cycle of 27 years. Jupiter in Scorpio sextile Tyndall’s Sun reflects his specialty as well as his ability to escape prosecution for so long.

Tyndall began the job in the summer of 1989, with transiting Saturn conjunct his Capricorn Sun. He was suspended in 2016 as Saturn conjoined his South Node in Sagittarius. Complaints of the doctor’s inappropriate comments, traumatizing physical acts and improper photographs of patients began in the 1990s and continued through the year of his removal. Neptune’s squares seem obvious from both his lack of boundaries and interest in photography. His offices were described as cluttered and unsanitary.
Powerful placements and aspects like these don’t necessarily make someone a “bad” person. Actresses Sandy Dennis and Andréa Ferréol, both born on the same day, channeled their Neptunian energies into more productive lives.
Perhaps most significantly, though, are the doctor’s aspects in declination. The Moon, Mercury and Pluto, all placed out-of-bounds (along with Mars just beginning to step OOB at 23 S 27’) show the negative expression of these energies and how Tyndall countered norms, particularly for one in a position of power and authority over young women. Kt Boehrer associated the OOB Moon for men with having few or no children, and Tyndall also appears to have had none. His wife, found through a matrimonial service, was around 20 years his junior and eventually returned to the Philippines.
Dr. Tyndall was charged with over 30 felony counts of sexual abuse beginning in June of 2019, as Saturn again conjoined his Sun. His trial is pending. provided the birth date for George R. Tyndall (January 6, 1947 in Plattsburgh, NY, I used a noon chart – no time available). The Los Angeles Times of December 19, 2018 confirms the year of birth and provided background information for this post.