I’ve had only a handful of what we might call metaphysical experiences. But I believe that my father has been in touch with us from the other side.
My dad had Gemini rising with Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Taurus in the 12th house. He was warm, understanding and compassionate. He also embraced nature, cultivating a backyard garden for most of his life. He loved to sit in the yard and watch the birds and had ongoing battles with the local squirrels, who were amazingly adept at stealing bird seed from the feeder.
A day after my husband and I moved into our new apartment, my dad was in the hospital. He was 87, had lived a very full life, and died a week later. During this time, a dove began appearing on our windowsill regularly. As my father was a bird-lover with such a peaceful center, I always associated the dove with him. 
My mother survived my dad and within three years was declining. But like many seniors, she stubbornly refused to leave her home on Long Island, despite the fact that she could no longer care for it, or even herself, very well. When my sister and I became more assertive about helping her and keeping up the property, she responded with defiance and anger, as someone with the Sun conjunct Pluto and Jupiter in Leo can easily do.
My mom resisted seeing a new and better doctor, though she finally agreed. But when I called her from the Long Island Railroad train on my way to take her to her appointment, she viciously screamed that she wouldn’t go and hung up on me.
I was very upset as I walked from the station to her house and spoke to my dad in my head. “How did you tolerate her? Please help me! I don’t know what do to.” My father was always able to make me feel better with just a hug, and I felt a little stronger connecting with him in this way.
As I approached the house, a funny thing happened. A dove who’d been sitting on the stoop flapped up and down repeatedly and then landed on the roof, as if protecting its nest. It didn’t fly away. I always believed this was a sign from my dad, and it helped me get through a rough and challenging day with my mother. After becoming disoriented on the road as well as hitting her neighbor’s car, she still refused to let me take over the driving.
We had many similar difficulties in the months that followed, and the dove appeared three more times. Once, walking back to the train station, I turned a corner and found a whole flock of doves who all rose at once. But my sister, who’d been closer to my father (both with Aries and Pisces and birthdays only four days apart), had never seen any doves.
Two years passed before we got my mother into assisted living and sold her house, and I hadn’t seen the dove in quite a while. Before the closing, my sister went to check on the property and take a clipping from my father’s old holly tree in the front yard. As she approached the house, a dove sitting on the stoop flew up and over to the tree! She was suddenly hit with the finality of the sale and understood fact that we were all moving beyond it. 
The chart for the day and time (February 22, 2017 at 12:40 pm) has family-oriented Cancer rising, which is her Ascendant. Both Aries and Pisces, the signs they shared, are emphasized, and the lights each conjoin other-worldly planets. Neptune conjoins the Midheaven and the Sun in Pisces in the 9th house, suggesting both parental and transcendental connections. And the Moon in Capricorn closely conjunct Pluto could symbolize addressing the past as well moving on. The major T-square in cardinal signs includes expansive Jupiter along with Uranus and Pluto, the two remaining outer planets. And every sign represented in this chart is present in my father’s birth chart.
The Moon’s Nodes are often astrologically linked to reincarnation and the continuity of life. Over five years after his death, the Nodes for the dove’s final appearance were in the 3rd and 9th houses, only a few degrees from an exact return to my dad’s birth Nodes.
I feel the event chart has many more synchronicities than coincidence would allow. I’m not sure what the chart for a message from the other side looks like, but I suspect it’s something like the one we found.