A consulting astrologer in New York City for over 20 years, I’ve written eight books about astrology – from mainstream publishers to small presses and self-published works. My most recent books are Tecumseh’s Curse and an update of Foreseeing the Future: Evangeline Adams and Astrology in America. I wrote the “Choose Your Career” advice column for American Astrology magazine for many years, and have written hundreds of articles about astrology and astrological techniques for astrological journals.
I’ve had fabulous astrology teachers along the way. The incorrigible modern astrologer Al H. Morrison introduced me to an incredibly wide array of astrological techniques and almost convinced me that “There’s someone for everyone,” as he believed. The medieval traditionalist Robert Zoller led me to the conclusion that there’s more to fate and destiny than I ever cared to consider. My first real teacher was Zoltan Mason, the Hungarian bookseller in Manhattan, who was always eager to show me another wonderful old tome and never hesitated to denounce a contemporary book I was about to buy from him!
Mason was a devotee of the 17th century astrologer Morin de Villefranche and I’m a fan of his work as well. Through my study of the life and work of Evangeline Adams, I’ve also been influenced by Adams and some of her teachers, especially Dr. Luke D. Broughton, a homeopathic physician in Manhattan in the late 19th century.
I’ve always been interested in forecasting, and love to look at the charts of individuals and other entities to see how planetary cycles affect them. I’ve practiced horary (interpreting a chart to answer a specific question), researched wedding astrology, and looked deeply at declination (the third dimension of astrology). I’ve always been drawn to cross-cultural astrologies and have studied Babylonian, Native American and Chinese astrology.
I’ve had a lot of fun with astrology too, writing horoscope columns for such terrific magazines as Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Life & Style Weekly and The Hamptons. I served as the astrologer for Modern Bride and Your Prom for nearly 10 years, and my features and forecasts have also appeared in Marie Claire and Seventeen.
While I feel I’ve learned more through my own reading and research, I was lucky enough to have a great formal education as well. I came to astrology with a background in music and math, earned a BA in English from Colgate University and also studied at Columbia University for a year. I’m professionally certified by the National Council for Geocosmic Research Professional Astrologers’ Alliance.
I’ve lectured in the tri-state area (most significantly for New York NCGR Education Conferences), was invited to speak about astrology at my alma mater, and have also taught at the Online College of Astrology. I was awarded two research grants from the NY NCGR. And like my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, I still live in Brooklyn after all these years.